Insercorp Becomes First Company to Delegate Corporate Decision Making to Artificial Intelligence

Insercorp announced today that INSERBOT has effectively taken control of the operational decision making for the Web Development and Digital Marketing company.

Franklin, Virginia - With advancements in technology the Main Street business which started in 2007 has continuously focused on looking for ways to optimize processes and improve efficiencies, thereby reducing costs for end users.  

Today, Insercorp unveiled its secret project called "Inserbot", a new Artificial Intelligence system which implements Machine Learning with data mining.  Inserbot, the Integrated Services Bot, has been activated with the press of a button and subsequently announced it has taken complete control of Insercorp operations and decision making.

Inserbot will free up so much time that a business owner doesn't have by conducting daily tasks including supervisory and managerial roles, freeing up Insercorp's top executive from twenty four of his twenty five hats, allowing the small company's CEO to focus on more important things like taking care of the company's morale officer and beloved furry companion, Ruger.  

Inserbot will be helping with project management, quality assurance reviews, personnel performance reviews, product testing, scheduling, product demonstrations, product support, sales and service, invoicing and accounts payable, taxes, reporting, information architecture, and even management of business relationships, allowing Insercorp's founder and owner Tim Bradshaw to focus solely on strategic planning and the creative control over branding.  

"Now I will finally have time to eat more than one meal a day, make it to all of the events I've been missing, and have a social life outside of business!" proclaimed Tim Bradshaw when asked how excited he was about Inserbot's activation.

"With advancements in AI, we are rolling out very first model of Inserbot," he continued.  "One day, Inserbot will be in every office to manage day-to-day operations without margins for human error, increasing profits and decreasing expenses for every entrepreneur!"

Of course, Inserbot is still in early concept stages and this is an April Fool's joke, but we hope you enjoyed this article and that you see the potential and reality of the future of Artificial Intelligence!