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New Client: Insercorp is building a dynamic website for the Law Firm of Joseph C. Lindsey, P.C.
New Client: Insercorp is building a dynamic website for the Law Firm of Joseph C. Lindsey, P.C.
New website will keep current, former and prospective clients informed

The Law Firm of Joseph C. Lindsey, P.C.

Insercorp will be designing a dynamic website for our newest client: The Law Firm of Joseph C. Lindsey, P.C. Their slogan: "Making the Law Work for You", reflects the law firm's ability to aid their clients in resolving their particular circumstances and/or cases involving the law. 

The former website for Attorney Joseph C. Lindsey needed a re-design that would allow customers to obtain as much information as possible so they may resolve their issues as soon as possible. Traffic, criminal, will & trust are a few examples of the issues the Law Firm provides services for. Resolving these matters quickly is a priority for both the client and the Law Firm of Joseph C. Lindsey!

Since 1984, The Law Firm of Joseph C. Lindsey, P.C., has been providing professional, legal counsel and services in the cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Hampton, Newport News, Suffolk, Southampton County and also on the Eastern Shore. 


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